Young Scientist Forum Event
The next Young Scientist Forum will be held in Spring 2025.
Stay tuned for the official announcement soon!
8th Young Scientist Forum YSF2024 was held in Espoo 12th of April 2024
Young Scientist Forum 2024. The symposium was organized by VTT.
7th Young Scientist Forum YSF2023 was held in Joensuu 31st of March 2023
Young Scientist Forum 2023. The event was organized by the University of Eastern Finland.
6th Young Scientist Forum YSF2022 IN Kakola, Turku on 8th of April 2022
The YSF2022 was arranged in Turku on 8th of April. Aurum and Kakola are on the menu.
5th Young Scientist Forum YSF2021 was held online
Young Scientist Forum 2021
Young Scientist Forum YSF2020 was cancelled due to Covid
4th Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis on 5th of April 2019
The Young Scientist Forum is here again! This year the symposium will be organized in Oulu on 5th of April, 2019, in connection with the annual meeting of the Finnish Catalysis Society.
3rd Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis on 6th of April, 2018
The Young Scientist Forum is here again! This year the symposium will be organized in Dipoli, Espoo on 6th of April, 2018, in connection with the annual meeting of the Finnish Catalysis Society.
2nd Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis on 24th of March, 2017
The Young Scientist Forum is here again! This year the symposium will be organized in Nikolainkulma, Jyväskylä on 24th of March, 2017, in connection with the annual meeting of the Finnish Catalysis Society. In the one-day event, doctoral students and companies are invited to present their research in oral talks, and engage in lively discussion. Contributions from all sub-fields of catalysis are very welcome: homogeneous, heterogeneous, enzymatic and polymer catalysis; presentations covering aspects from theoretical chemistry to material science and chemical engineering. After the symposium, the annual meeting of Finnish Catalysis Society will take place. All PhD students, their supervisors, and other researchers in the field of catalysis in Finland are cordially welcome!
1st Finnish Young Scientist Forum on Catalysis in Tampere on 8th of April, 2016
A new tradition will start: Finnish Catalysis Society will organize the first Finnish Young Scientist Forum for Catalysis. The symposium has the goal to present on-going and recently finished PhD thesis works in catalysis and to promote the interaction between the key players in catalysis in our country. Contributions from all sub-fields of catalysis are very welcome: homogeneous, heterogeneous, enzymatic and polymer catalysis; presentations covering aspects from theoretical chemistry to material science and chemical engineering. The symposium programme consists of a keynote lecture, a prize winner’s lecture (the Prize for best doctoral thesis in catalysis for years 2013-2015 will be announced) and oral presentations of PhD students. After the symposium, the annual meeting of Finnish Catalysis Society will take place. All PhD students, their supervisors and other researchers in the field of catalysis in Finland are cordially welcome!